Hare E. and several of his friends live beneath the stairs leading to the basement of Madame Karen’s Bed & Breakfast. Although it is somewhat dilapidated and in need of paint, it is what remains of “LA Chambre des Merveilles” (The House of Mystery).
Hare E. Hopper is the great-great-great-great-great-great (well you get the idea) grandson of “Le Lapin d’emerveillement et de mystere” (The Rabbit of Wonder & Mystery), who was, after all, the mentor of both Houdini and Thurston. With a command of English, French, German, Hindi, Mandarin and several other languages taught to him by his forefathers, Hare E. can communicate readily with most. Prior to 1800, there were constant rumors of human mystics and sorcerers and their animal mediums but we all know who was responsible for the magic.
Accidentally discovered by Alayna 16, Theresa 14 and Max 17 as they were exploring where they did not belong, Hare E. is torn between keeping the many secrets of history, magic and the world to himself and his long time compatriots, or sharing it with this new generation of overly energetic, electronic game playing, know-it-alls.
As he is “sizing up” the children, a young boy (12-14) falls from the ceiling above them clutching a large sea turtle, both are dripping wet and yelling at one another. The turtle has a small chain with what looks like a charm hanging from it.
Both turtle and boy suddenly realize they are no longer wrestling wherever they had been but are now lying in a puddle of water in a strange place.
The decision is made for Hare E.. Much to his dismay and chagrin he recognizes that he, like his forefathers, is destined to explain magic, science and the wonders thereof to a new generation.